Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Research - What is the function of a music video?

A music video is a performance of a recorded song and usually includes dancing and visual images to interpret the lyrics.
The function of a music video is to promote the single and the artist so you want to download or buy their album and go to their concerts and gigs. The music video is also used to promote the song to attract a wider audience.
Music videos are used to entertain viewers and hook them on to the song through the lyrics, beat and story created.

Here is an example of a song that I think illustrates this well:

Psy - Gangnam Style

This video illustrates a range of conventional aspects of a music video such as the use of dancing and visual images. The lyrics are not in english, however you are still able to understand what is going on and enjoy the video. This video has many hits on youtube as well on itunes and when the video was first released, everyone was mad about it. it attracted a wide audience and some people attempted to remake it by copying the dance, so it was successful in entertaining the audience. This video was also successful in promoting the single and the artist. 

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