Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Pitch inquiries

Whilst presenting out pitch for our music video, we where asked various questions regarding our location, audience and costume


In our pitch we mentioned that our artists costumes changes may happen four/five times. We where questioned about this and asked why so many. 

Upon researching pop videos we discovered in some videos the artist sometimes has about four or five costume changes, for example in Chris Browns - Don't think they know video, he had 7 different costume changes. 

Costume 1

Costume 2 

Costume 3 

Costume 4

Costume 5

Costume 6

Costume 7


We where asked about our locations and why we chose them. In previous blogs we have explained why we have chosen the locations we have chosen. In popular music videos, it is a common trend to have shots in a studio, shots which consist of fluorescent colours and industrial type shots. For this reason and many others, we decided to pick these locations, Greenwhoch foot tunnel (industrial) Millennium bridge (colours) granary square and city and islington photography studio (studio) 


When asked about out target audience, we where questioned as to why our core audience was not younger. 

When listening to our chosen song, I realised that out song was more on the grimy side of pop, not the younger side. This song is the type of song you may hear in a club, clubbing being a common trend amongst our core target audience.

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