Looking back at the targets which I had set myself for the future when the research section of the project had come to an end, I personally believe I am stronger and more efficient in the use of my ICT skills in order to create higher standard blogs through a variety of presentation methods. Some of the technologies which I had used include Photobucket stories, Prezi online presentations, GIF image animations, slideshare presentations and a few others. Furthermore, I am discussing with my group more closely such as creating a group chat on our iPhones in order to discuss ideas and plans with everyones contribution. This has definitely improved communication skills within the group.
One target which I'm going to stick with and aim to achieve during the production phase of the project is keeping up to date with my blogging and the frequency in which I blog. Due to the volume of work, I found it difficult at times to come up with ideas as there was a lot of things to take into consideration, however, I am slowly seeing the 'bigger picture' and thinking outside the box. I am going to give myself a 15/20 due to the feeling that I am using a much wider range of technology to present ideas and concepts in my blogs, and also the improved communication. However, being up to date is still something which I need to put a lot of focus on in order for me to score myself a higher mark.
Two targets which I aim to achieve by the end of the production section of this project:
- Ensure I am always up to date with blogging, and blogging frequently in order to show as much of our journey through the project as possible
- Make sure the next section of the project is of a high quality standard by putting my best effort in and contributing as much as possible
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