Thursday, 17 October 2013

Planning: Audience research

One example of a core audience member

As a group we had taken in to consideration that audience would be one of the most important aspects of music production. We need to aim to target the correct audiences in order for it to be an overall success.

The name of the member is Nina Cole
Lives in Camden, London
She's 21 years old
She is a female
She is black british
Currently studying at university, a course in Performing Arts
Buys groceries from Asda
During her spare time, she enjoys cheerleading, clubbing with friends during the weekend, and alot of time also taken up by study
She occasionally reads the Metro newspaper. Because she's a university student, she isn't prepared to invest in newspapers each week so she benefits from keeping up to date with world news with a free newspaper she can read, on her way to university for example
She reads the Heat magazine, allows her to keep up to date with celeb news and fashion
She uses the train to get to her university as it is based outside of London
She enjoys using Apple products such as iPhone and iPod, she finds storing music on her iPod very convenient and thinks that iTunes is a great way to purchase the latest music. Her iPhone lets her keep up to date with the people she cares about through social networking sites such as Twitter.
She is very attracted by the Versace clothing line
A store she normally shops at for clothes is Topshop. Because she is on a budget because she is in debt with University, they offer trendy clothing for women and she likes the styles being offered.
She hasn't been to America as of now, however it is her dream to go across seas and travel to America when she graduates from University
Nina particularly likes the Pop genre of music as she frequently listens to it and parties to it while at the club with her friends.

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